Παρασκευή 1 Ιουλίου 2016

Κυριακή 12 Ιουνίου 2016

My final project plan: Modern Myths

I`m teacher of French in a secondary school in Greece. My students` age is 16-18. In my class I want my students to collaborate and communicate with their eTwinning partners achieving the goals of the foreign language. The project, we will work, is about our tales, the students decide working in groups about their favorable hero and have to create their own stories in collaboration with their partners exchanging ideas. The main goal is the creative writing in the foreign language.


-language skills

-communication skills

-collaboration skills

-digital skills

-to develop imagination and creativity

-to write creatively

Communication language: French

Duration: six months


-Teachers present the project to their students

-teachers and students present themselves on twinspace, also they present their schools, their countries and they know each other.

-All students are divided into multi-national teams, each group will have 4-5 students from as many different countries as possible (depending on the number of partners). The selection of teams will be made by the coordinating teachers, according to some criteria like: age, sex, interests, skills.
-Students are asked to ‘meet’ virtually using online tools: Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook and to discuss about their favorite mythological heroes and each group to choose two heroes.

--After having decided about the two heroes, each team uses two  titanpads (two titanpads per each group, one per each hero) to write the begging of the story sharing ideas and collaborating on how to carry on the project. Also they use a padlet where they share pictures of theirs stories.

-Each group continues writing the story of another group, exchanging their stories and this process is continued until students to add the end of each story. Sometimes there are two versions of the story, one version ends happily, and another one ends sadly.

-Students are asked to ‘meet’ virtually using online tools: Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook and to discuss about the stories they have imagined and created in collaboration. They take feedback and they make changes to improve the narration. They also decide which of the stories each group has to present.

-they draw pictures, they take photos, they create videos using moviemaker  or presentations using powtoon or prezzi, or PPT and they upload them on their padlet. Also, they make an e-book using epubeditor, a very interactive tool (each member of the group can collaborate to edit, add pictures, texts etc.). All products are uploaded on twinspace.

-Students are asked to ‘meet’ virtually using online tools: Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook and to discuss about their products, to take feedback, to make their final products.

-each group works to prepare the final products, the e-book and videos or photo-romans or presentations of their stories, and also they record the narration of each story for a radio show (European school radio).

-Students meet each other virtually, and they present their products (uploaded on the Twinspace) and they discuss about.

-Students have to complete evaluation questionnaires. Teachers present the results to them.

-Each school presents the project to the community and uploads a video on the twinspace.

During the project, teachers encourage students to work and to communicate, to collaborate, they help them with digital tools, and they correct errors. Also, teachers communicate with partners using online tools.

Σάββατο 11 Ιουνίου 2016

Module 4 : Designing an e-activity

I`m teacher of French in a secondary school in Greece. My students` age is 16-18. In my class I want my students to collaborate and communicate with their eTwinning partners achieving the goals of the foreign language. The project we work is about our tales, the students decide about their favorable hero and have to create their own stories in collaboration with their partners exchanging ideas. The goal is the creative writing in the foreign language. The collaborative activity is to work all students on titanpad and to write stories. Titanpad is a very collaborative tool and it`s free. After having exchanged ideas the students and having written stories in collaboration, they have to present their stories making an e-book on issuu (a very useful tool). Finally, they discuss on etwinning forum about the result of their work and take feedback.

Σάββατο 4 Ιουνίου 2016

Strengths and weaknesses of my project

I think that my strengths are that I`ve covered well the contents and objectives and how technology will be used, but there are some weaknesses to be improved, such as further explanation of methodology and the mechanisms for evaluation, and also more information about how each subject is involved.

Παρασκευή 3 Ιουνίου 2016

My project

Description of the project

I will motivate my students talking them about our traditional myths and heroes.

The students will be inspired by their mythical national heroes to write their own modern stories. The stories will be continued by their partners. When all partners will have finished the collaborative stories and have written them in an e-book, the students of each country will narrow them for the European school radio. The objective of the project is the creative writing, the collaboration and communication. Another objective is the students to share their national myths, to respect tradition and human values.

The methodology: The students will do their own research about myths and legends and they will work in small groups

Curricular integration:

Competencies to be developed during the project

Communication in mother tongue and in a foreign language

Speaking skills, reading skills, writing skills, listening skills in the foreign language

Digital skills

Multicultural skills

Also, the students will express their feelings and they will respect the other and the human values

Communication and exchange between partner schools

Communication activities

Step1: the students present themselves, their schools, their city, their country using twinspace

Step2: the students discover their heroes and they present them to their partners

Step3: the students write stories in collaboration with their partners and publish them on the web.

Step4: the students present their stories on European school radio

Step5: evaluation- teachers and students answer questionnaires, they present the results on the twinspace and discuss them.

Collaboration between partner schools. 

The students will be familiar in using twinspace and other web tools as titanpad or padlet to write their stories in collaboration with their partners.

Use of technology

During this project we will use different web tools such as padlet, or titanpad and web radio, the final products will be an e-book and the radio emission

Results, impact

The most important result of our work will be to narrow the stories on radio, because in this way  we will present our project to all the world and many people will know our collaborative work. Also, our students will benefit of working in collaboration, they will develop their language skills, their communicative skills, their digital skills and they will respect other`s culture and tradition by knowing their legends .Furthermore, they will recognize human values existing from past to now. Teachers and students benefit of the collaboration and teachers develop their professional skills.

Δευτέρα 30 Μαΐου 2016

Hi, I`m Triantafyllia Syvaka, teacher of French and headmistress in the Experimental Senior High School of University

of Macedonia, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

This is my self- analysis

1.What can I improve? 

I want to improve my teaching in French language  through  new methodologies and practices.
I also need to know how to evaluate the methodology of learning by doing in projects. 

2- What I would like to try?
I would like to learn about the use of projects in which students and also teachers collaborate, cooperate, share, create new things

3- What am I not happy with?
Not having enough resources (laptop or tablets, wifi...)